Approx. 6000 maps covering all areas of cartography from geography through history to statistics.
All maps have been generated using Adobe Illustrator and saved in EPS format. They are all generated as vector data.
Yes, because you can easily change the legends in EPS format.
The copyrights and rights of use belong to Peter Palm.
Publishers and other subscribers are granted an unlimited right of use without restriction in time and circulation numbers for any and all editions of a product (including hardcover, paperback and special editions and use for other books of their own publishing house or of affiliated publishing companies) for the German-speaking region. A surcharge of between 15 and 20 percent will be charged for electronic rights (including Internet, e-books, apps etc.). This explicitly does not include either the right to sell any of these maps and graphics to a third party or foreign rights and rights for other language regions (world rights).
Prices range – depending on the level of content depth – between 90 and 250 euros plus VAT (19%). Use without restriction in time and circulation numbers.
To use a map from my archive collection (print copy) I charge 80 euros plus 7% VAT for the right of use. Project-based use subject to circulation numbers.